why does gally hate thomas

Gally opens the doors of the Box and gets Thomas out of the Box. Later he went into the three-day coma of what they called the changing. The fragments of memories do not appear to be good so Gally spends his time sulking and giving Thomas the "evil eye". When is Gally stung so he goes through the changing and when … The boys move on. 100. They push on but Thomas can't get the words out of his head. Knowing that, it helps to explain why Gally hated Thomas so much in the movie. And don’t miss The Fever Code, the highly-anticipated series conclusion that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built! Gally was brought to WICKED and kept there for several days. … Why why does gally hate thomas Why did Gally try to kill Thomas? Teresa. But, you just kept telling yourself that you get out of the Slammer this morning. How did Gally get into the control room? - Movies & TV Stack … Gally didn’t take the news of Alby too well when he found out. In the movie, however, it is just due to his personality. mazerunner, runners, thomas. 4.6star. Questions for chapters 32-34. When they killed the Griever which almost killed Thomas, he grabbed a key and he got the code probably by eavesdropping when they first talked about the order and then he knew so then he got in.

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why does gally hate thomas