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why aren't the avengers in agents of shield

I "get" why TV's Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Secret Invasion. 'Avengers: Age of Ultron': Whedon Talks Agent Coulson's ... - ScreenRant Is a good show. But, Captain America and Black Widow are already dealing with it at the top brass level. Marvel's Agents of SHIELD: "The Hub" Review - IGN Image: Young Avengers #13/Jamie McKelvie - Marvel Comics. It's not too much of a surprise considering at least two Kree characters will be appearing in Guardians of the Galaxy later this year. 'Agents of SHIELD' Season 6 Photo: Mack as New Director - TVLine Howard Stark then presented the shield to Captain America to use as the tool to protect himself from gunfire, during his continued battles against HYDRA and Red Skull.While showing off the shield, Captain . Netflix's Marvel shows made direct references to 2012's The Avengers, while Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter were thought to exist in the same universe as Iron Man, Thor and more. Author has 641 answers and 617.6K answer views Two reasons why, and both answers come from the films. How Marvel TV Shows Like 'Agents Of SHIELD' And 'Jessica Jones ... Marvel ignored the Agent Carter TV show in her Legends episode - and ... Agents of SHIELD Season 6: Cast, EPs on Endgame and Fewer Episodes they could introduce Coulson back without having to explain how he's alive). Each gunshot carries a true threat of death. Despite Kevin Feige helping announce the series to screaming fans at New York Comic-Con alongside Joss Whedon in 2012, he would have absolutely nothing to do with Agents of SHIELD for its . The show may exist in the same universe as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents of SHIELD: Why Fitz Was Missing From Season 7 Newsflash: Marvel has never been just about superheroes. As of Friday afternoon, SHIELD's . : "The Hub". . Under Mockingbirds wing - Chapter 15 - Mocking_point - Agents of SHIELD ... "That's very fast," Skye said. And while humor is utilized, low-brow quips aren't the basis for characters, as the Whedon's have done with every single person in Agents of SHIELD.

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why aren't the avengers in agents of shield