Ozark Of course, now that they have several businesses going to launder the cartel's money, that 3% is … EXT. / Jackson Davis/Netflix. 'Ozark' Season 2 is just around the corner which probably means you're in need of an explainer. Three seasons in, Ozark has managed to outstay these comparisons to other prestige dramas and establish its own identity as a show about two people achieving a … The series stars Jason Bateman and Laura Linney as Marty and Wendy Byrde, a married couple who move their family to the Lake of the Ozarks for money laundering. Especially after the show killed off two major characters. Meet the cast of Ozark season 3 on Netflix. A recap of “Blue Cat,” episode 2 of season 1 of Ozark on Netflix, starring Jason Bateman, Laura Linney, and Julia Garner. Please remember to use the SPOILER SYSTEM when commenting on any events pertaining to the show. WARNING! 115. ‘Ozark’ Season 1, Episode 2 Recap: Blue Cat - Vulture The complicated marriage at the center of … Ozark ‘Ozark’ Season 4 Episode 12 Recap: “Trouble the Water” Spoilers ahead for the finale of “Ozark” Season 4 Part 1, which came out on Jan. 21. Ozark's Writers Actually Learned How To Launder Ozark blunder: Fans notice major continuity error in Marty Byrde … Ozark’ Season 3 Episode 2 Recap
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