Weapon (any ammunition), uncommon (+1), rare (+2), or very rare (+3) You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. In fact in the DMG the only Common items are basic healing potions, potions of climbing, and scrolls of cantrips and level 1 spells. Items Magic Items Inventory, pricing, weights and other info for a D&D 5e alchemist or potion shop; great for role playing games. Page 133 of the DMG has scribing spell cost, which is the cost and time for making a scroll Cantrip 1 day 15gp 1st 1 day 25 gp 2nd 3 days 250 gp 3rd 1 week 500gp 4th 2 … You can. Well, hereâs our picks for the top 10 best uncommon magic items in D&D 5e! 1. Instrument of the Bards Instrument of the bards comes in seven different types of which three are listed as uncommon. What is the OGL? Magic Items for Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) A wonderous, uncommon item, it allows the party to store up to 500 lbs (226 kg) worth of items while always maintaining the weight of 15 lbs. Ultimate Potion Cost List for DnD 5e – Our Searchable
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