Leafly Topping vs Fimming. Simply pinch off 75% of the main growing tip between your fingers. This is from another source. Topping is the process of pruning the growing tip of the main stem of a cannabis plant. So after 2 years of growing I truly believe supercropping and topping can be done without slowing down things if the plant is in perfect health. Joined: Oct 7, 2005 Messages: 3,353 Likes Received: 2,447 #4 Burned Haze, Jul 8, 2009. Topping is the act of cutting off the top of a cannabis plant’s primary stem. This technique is considered to be less harsh and traumatic for … Pflanzen richtig schneiden: Topping, Fimming, Lollipopping; SOG vs SCROG? cultivation Oct 11, 2009 #1 Ok so i have been doing a lot of research on this topic and keep gettin mixed reviews so i was wondering what some of your opinions are. By clicking “I agree” you swear and/or affirm … Topping Vs. Fimming: What’s The Difference And Which Is Better? – 4. Pruning Cannabis: Why, When and How Bewässerung Zubehör - Grow Guru Fimming vs Topping. Die beiden bekanntesten Arten des Cannabisschnittes sind der apikale Schnitt (bekannt als Topping) und der FIM-Schnitt (bekannt als Fimming). Topping is a horticulture technique in which the top part of a plant is cut to stop its upward growth and promote lateral growth in the lower branches.- authorSTREAM Presentation