Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Pablo Inigo Sanchez im größten Business-Netzwerk der Welt an. Open your favorite code editor, copy/paste the configuration below, and save the file as in the ~/terraform-ec2-iam-demo directory. 2. Epic Terraform AWS Provider for your Amazon Infrastructure Conflicts with compute_environment_name. As soon as the Terraform process is completed, the Terraform plan can be executed. Do a couple of tests and play around a bit. The AWS Compute Optimizer uses machine learning to analyze historical utilization data collected from CloudWatch—including IO, storage, and CPU and network utilization. You can provide your credentials via the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, environment variables, … • In charge of designing and implementing highly available AWS Cloud Infrastructure. Not only for my own projects, but almost all customers I’m working for use Amazon for hosting their applications. Chances are, you use terraform to manage your infrastructure. Returns Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volume recommendations. Intégration de Terraform avec Jenkins (CI/CD) AWS Compute Optimizer So we started analyzing the utilization of our resources on EC2. Aug 2021 - Present10 months. Proficient in cloud solutions such as AWS, Azure, GCP design, develop and mange production grade Networking, Compute, Storage, Migrate, Database, Security, Integration, Deployment and IAM. 5 – Terraform Template. Note: Terraform Enterprise requires AWS credentials to support cost estimation.