Naţionalitate: limba germana. Wilhelm Von Gehlen und Mülheim - Info zur Person - tätig; am 20. Marlies von Schnitzler (Hoeres) Birthdate: estimated between 1881 and 1939 : Death: Immediate Family: Wife of Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler Mother of Stephan von Schnitzler. Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler - Wikipedia beliebteste deutsche briefmarken Sections of this page. Contents 1 Early life 2 Early career 3 Career in the GDR 4 Post-GDR career and death 5 Sources 6 References 7 External links Übernachtung im. gewesen, er selbst mithin ein Urenkel des Kaisers und ein Großneffe Wilhelms II. April 1918 - 20. Ist Dieter Mann verheiratet? - Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree. Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler (28 April 1918 - 20 September 2001) was an East German communist propagandist and host of the television show Der schwarze Kanal ( German: The Black Channel) from 21 March 1960 to 30 October 1989. The daughter Barbara Schnitzler emerged from the divorce in 1956 , who, like her mother, became an actress. Marlis married Karl Eduard Richard Arthur von Schnitzler on month day 1940, at age 21 at marriage place. Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler - Stephan works at Solera, Inc. as VP Global Property Claims Strategy. View the profiles of people named Stephan Marlis. Stephan Schnitzler - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage von schnitzler familie - Join Facebook to connect with Stephan Marlis and others you may know. Der aus adeligen Kreisen stammende Karl-Eduard begeisterte sich früh für kommunistische Ideale und war Wehrmachtssoldat im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Marlis Hoeres (1940) Inge Keller (1952) Christine Laszar (1958) Marta Rafael (1960) Children: Stephan (von) Schnitzler Barbara Schnitzler Karin Schnitzler: Parent(s) Julius Eduard von Schnitzler: Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler (28 April 1918 - 20 September 2001) was an East German communist propagandist and host of the television show Der schwarze Kanal (German: The Black Channel) from 21 March .
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