seer xander fanfiction

Community is expanding from just crossovers to any amazing Xander fanfic. That lesson is wrong.. "The Seer of Southdown Base", chapter 15 by zili No small thing, in the mind of Xander Harris. Book and Dagger - Angel's Oasis Fanfiction Archive One night, less than two weeks before her due date, Phoebe and her sisters were enjoying the silence in the manor. Betrayed again by her Watcher, best friend, Angel and the Powers, Buffy . A "Harry Potter > Cordelia-Centered" fan-fiction story. Xander began laughing before speaking, "Well I guess things balance out a bit of good news for a bit of bad. TtH • Story • Xander's WHAT?! - Emmaross Stories - Wattpad TtH • Story • Harry Potter and the Renascent Seer Vague knowledge of military training, tactics, and weapons handling techniques due to his brief transformation into a soldier by a spell. "I need to lie down," Cordelia said in a tired, worn voice. You can give challenges by making some demons too chaotic to predict. And Faith's training baby Slayers. She pressed her hand against the bandage on her neck. Math, English, Mandarin, Science, and the History of Earth-that-was. The Guardian Chapter 7: The Return, a Buffy: The Vampire ... - FanFiction As he partners up with an unlikely and untrustworthy ally, he's determined to do as much good while having the most fun. Our way is blocked by a large battle up ahead, so we flee downstairs into the basement. "Buffy's retired. His road trip turned out to be a lot shorter than he expected as Xander Harris finds himself asked to take on a whole new adventure, raising a young wizard with a prophecy pointed at his head. Summary: Buffy hears about the final battle of L.A and rushes over to help save the day. Well, that was the most fun you can have without having any fun.." - Cordelia after the battle against Mayor Wilkins. He managed to drag his eye's off his seer long enough to notice that Xander and Willow for that matter were still staring at Cordy. Dancing bones - Chapter 1 - jennygotfamous - Archive of Our Own So This Is What Love Feels Like {B. by Kenzie. . It started from the Seer, and ended up with her being bedridden for two weeks with high blood pressure. How to Woo A Vampire Chapter 12: Portents of the End ... - Both are powerful witches in their own right, but when they're together, their powers are very near the level of the Charmed Ones." Holtz stood up.

John Anthony Brooks Vater, Articles S

seer xander fanfiction