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remove space after paragraph word mac

Shift+Home extends your selection to the beginning of the line. Choose a new line spacing value. In the drop-down menu that appears, click on No Paragraph Space option. Go back to your Word doc and double-click the gap between . Click Design, then Paragraph Spacing. Click OK twice to close windows, then press Apply in the main Style window. In both Word and Excel, you can get to the Quick Access Toolbar basically the same way. I solved it the following step: 1. right click on the headings, then left click modify. Just below those choices is "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style". 2. 3. How To Remove Paragraph Symbols in Word - Nuts & Bolts Here's how I did it. I right-clicked on the highlighted text and chose Paragraph from the options: I then stayed on the Indents and Spacing tab and set my After spacing to 12pt and my line spacing to 2 (just in case). If those options don't work, it's time to break out the major nerd . 1.5 Lines - Line-and-one-half spacing (an extra half-line of space between lines). Step 2: Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button in the Paragraph group on the Format Text tab, and select a certain option from the drop down list, such . 2. On Windows, the easiest way to get to the paragraph formatting is to Right-Click on the paragraph and choose "Paragraph" from the . Change " Top " and " Bottom " margins to "0.". Answer (1 of 8): You can remove "…the space between lines in Word…." by examining the text and removing the relevant settings. If the first combination adds a bit more space, press [Ctrl]+0 a second. Set line spacing Use custom line spacing Set paragraph spacing See also Set tab stops in Pages on Mac Align and justify text in Pages on Mac Set paragraph margins in Pages on Mac Peter. Double Click anywhere in a word to select that word. I purchased Microsoft Office from by school bookstore. How to Quickly Remove Double Spaces in Word Document How to customize the Quick Access Toolbar in Word and Excel on Mac Choose Paragraph Mark from the options under Special. Alternatively, look for several successive paragraphs with the "Keep with next" selected, which may cause paragraphs to chase each other onto the next page. How to remove the spacing between paragraphs | TechRepublic 2 In Modify Style panel, left cilck Format, then choose Paragraph.

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remove space after paragraph word mac