You can't use plot statements in for loops or any other local block in a script. A complete list of everything I’ve published (including libraries, for programmers) is here on TradingView. tradingview pine script error "cannot use 'plot' in a local scope" As this ‘cannot use in local scope’ error says, we cannot use the plot() function in a local scope. But what does that mean? The ‘main scope’ are all statements that are placed at the script's main indentation level. In the above example, study() and the if statement are examples of that. The ‘local scope’ are code blocks we indented with Tab. Pine compilation and execution errors — Pine Script User Manual … So you can try to switch to version 2 by adding a special attribute in the first line. ; line 113: Cannot use 'strategy.risk.allow_entry_in' in local scope. Uncategorized. If it cannot be done then I think this function is quite useless. bottom + diff * .382: noPlot, title="fib-.236", linewidth=3, ) How can I write this in a proper way? In Pine, nested functions are not allowed, i.e., one cannot declare a function inside another one. It is versatile and can plot different styles of lines, histograms, areas, columns (like volume columns), fills, circles or crosses. Getting Started with Pine Script. Pine Script Beginner - Cannot use 'plotshape' in local scope Debugging — Pine Script User Manual 4 documentation
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