nagios service check example

Passive Checks with Nagios » ADMIN Magazine This article explains various command line options that are available for the nagios command. Nagios then can do all kinds of alerting based on those statusses. you have the flexibility of sending the passive check to Nagios with a different hostname. About script: Syntax: ./ "service_name". Example: ./ mysql. 3. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. . Creating a new servicegroup | Nagios Core Administration Cookbook check_service script. Running an Active Check. Log-on to your Nagios server and you can set . GitHub - m-lab/prometheus-nagios-exporter: Prometheus exporter ... If not, for example because of a timeout, access denied or 50x error, it will return status 1 or 2. Note that public is the community string and 1 is the SNMP version. It uses systemd. 5 check_http Command Examples 1. If you are new to the Nagios network monitoring system, see the resources at the Nagios website. Check status of system services for Linux, FreeBSD, OSX, and AIX. To install NRPE on Redhat based system, visit this tutorial. use Nagios::Plugin ; Sample script: check_dellomsa. It can test normal (http) and secure (https) servers, follow redirects, search for strings and regular expressions, check connection times, and report on certificate expiration times. . Nagios is a very powerful open source tool for monitoring networks and infrastructures. The first option would be to define a new timeperiod with the specific timeslots that you want Nagios to monitor the services every day. When used with NRPE, this command is supposed to check free memory, warn when free memory is less than 20%, and generate critical alarm when free memory is less than 10%. This plugin checks if the site returns a 200 OK and if so, gives exit status 0. Method 1: Define new Timeperiod with a Specific Time Range. Nagios service status check. Step 3 is to use a check_snmp plugin script on the Nagios server to trigger the remote script and make sense of the output. Main Menu; by School; by Literature Title; by Subject; Textbook Solutions Expert Tutors Earn. Active Checks · Documentation — NCPA - Nagios

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nagios service check example