moiraine and rand fanfiction

Moiraine's even surprised Lan still considers it home with how much time they spend away. Moiraine Damodred - Works | Archive of Our Own TtH • Story • Dawn and the Wheel of Reincarnation - Book Fanfic Recommendation | The Fanfiction Forum Napfunterlagen: Blauer Ajah | Redbubble She wriggled, moving up his body so that her face was scant inches from him. Last edited: Dec 12, 2015. Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 91,699 - Reviews: 563 - Favs: 968 . Keep reading None of them have known what she's up to for years, and they all comment on how little time she spends at home. My secret santa gift for @althcr.You wanted some platonic Rand and Nynaeve, and by the Light you're gonna get it! Synopsis: When Rand was 13, Lews started manifesting in the boy's dreams, passing on to him the knowledge of how to control his Ta'veren ability. With Moiraine in those sweat tents every night he had nothing better to do than to scout the surrounding forest and practice the forms.Not that it was really necessary. I'll post the first recommendation, it's only one chapter, but it's 17000+ words and it's new so there's hope for more. Moiraine's Gambit Chapter 023, a wheel of time fanfic | FanFiction He had founded the Black Tower as a weapon against the Shadow, an attempt to right the wrongs that the Taint had caused in the name of male channelers. He has blue-gray eyes and dark hair with a "reddish tinge", both features of his Aiel heritage. "I was wondering if you could help me." He put his hand in his coat, and pulled it out. He had daily trainings with Rand, and Far Dareis Mai were more than capable in doing, well, pretty much everything, but he still felt it was his duty. #1. Moiraine reached out in a lazy, catlike movement and touched his face, her fingers gently caressing the short, soft beard he hadn't had a chance to shave off since leaving Emond's Field. Her hair was dishelved, her cheeks flushed. More. Rand al'Thor; Moiraine Damodred; Egwene al'Vere; Nynaeve al'Meara; past Rand al'Thor/Egwene al'Vere; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; .

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moiraine and rand fanfiction