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lord of the rings fanfiction legolas tortured

Night after night, Legolas snuck to the empty practice range, and fired arrow after arrow, after arrow. For hours he had been subject to their ruthless torturing. With an aching heart, Aragorn tries to heal you. I hope nothing has happened," Elrond said. Outwardly he was quiet and still, but he was in turmoil beneath his skin. Tortured Soul Chapter 1: Default Chapter, a lord of the rings fanfic ... The elf's slender body seemed to be broken, the way Legolas unsteadily leaned on the doorway. A/N 2) Legolas has a stronger connection than normal. The pain was agonizingly relentless. Lord Of The Rings Fan Fiction Legolas and the Rangers Torture and ... The Fellowship has split. He turned and walked away slowly, unknowingly following in his brothers' footsteps. As he faces the risk of losing you, he realizes the encompassing depth of his love for you. Summary: Aragorn is still in a very grumpy mood, with a badly injured Legolas in tow. Part 73. Fanfic: Bruised Hearts, Lord of the Rings | FanFiction Fanfic: Nothrimraegath Ch 3, Lord of the Rings | FanFiction ! In fact, Legolas began to wonder why he had not seen his brother. Discover the lord of the rings characters 's popular videos | TikTok I le." Estel smiled back though there was sadness etched into his eyes. Imladris "Father, there is a messenger from Mirkwood," Arwen said as she hurried towards her father. For centuries, the elf had poured his time and efforts into perfecting his fighting skills. He feared for the innocent lives of those young children and women. She stood above his head, tall and proud, majestic and unconcerned in her nakedness. "Estel." Legolas said softly.

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lord of the rings fanfiction legolas tortured