Paratroop to encircle. hoi4 communist china move capital - Folge mir auf. hoi4 communist china move capital - Make sure you have waking the … remake - #gaming #hoi4 hoi4 communist china move capital Folge mir auf. If the original capital city is occupied, the capital usually moves to the city with the next-highest number of Victory Points. the country has both Maryland and southern … moveunit: moveunit [unit id] [province id] This command moves the specified unit to the specified province. The Continentals repel them and the Brits move further south, to Norwood, … bexar county magistrate court records - "Move Your Capital" could be a useful feature for HoI4 Hey guys so i'm modding HOI4 and adding in some countries to the game, i've got my first country all set up with its borders and edited resources and manpower for each state, only issue is that the capital city is not where i want it to be. このModは文字通り首都を変更することができます。政治力が100必要ですが、勝利点の変更もないためゲーム性にはほとんど影響を及ぼさず、ロールプ … B.C.A.D.C. hoi4 communist china move capital - NOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your HOI4 launch options - it will not work otherwise. This command can be used to spawn a specified amount of a unit in a province. The ID of the province you wish to spawn the unit within. The amount of the specified unit you wish to spawn. Explanation of the issue: after conquering continental france as entante AI france took the relevant focus but it's capital didn't move to paris. yes, go into your hoi4 folder/history/countries. too change the capital number open with notepad, and go into states folder for that number, example. eng/uk state- south georgia 720, and then go back to countries, and change the number, capital for that country, need any help just ask. Even simpler than mine. So yes, you can.
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