feral moonkin convoke

Minimum rank is 0% and would. About Convoke and how Balance/Feral burst is scarier with Kyrian Feral Druid 2v2 PvP Guide - World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2 In addition to once again casting 16 spells for Balance, Feral, and Guardian—Convoke will now try to use a more consistent number of certain spells (currently, Starsurge and Ferocious Bite). The stance numbers each refer to a Form. Moment of Clarity: This Talent makes Omen of Clarity proc more often, as well as stack up to twice, while making generators used with Omen do 15% increased damage. Balance Druid has seen some quite changes going into 9.1 shifting the covenant of choice from Night Fae to Venthyr. Cursor Weak Auras for Lifebloom, Efflorescence, Cenarion Ward, Swiftmend and other commonly used resto spells. Convoke the Spirits: Night Fae: . This guide analyzes the latest simulation data for Shadowlands patch 9.2 to see how they stack up against eachother. Feral, Guardian, Initial . Stance 6 is for flight form. Many druid macros make use of the stance modifier to detect which form you are taking. Moonkin form results in 9 balance spells, 3 or 4 resto spells, and 3 or 4 feral abilities. Balance. Feral Druid Conduit Guide Night Fae Druid Signature Ability: Soulshape Shapeshift that gives you a short blink, Flicker, on use and on recast, with a 4 second cooldown, also increases movement speed while shapeshifted by 50%. Problem with convoke is how RNG it is - MMO-Champion 19,519. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Posted on: 09-30-2014 - Updated on: 09-30-2014 - viewed 21774 times Feral is mostly about bleed damage. . Druid. Clearcasting is not up. We favor simulated data as using simc we can average out results from thousands of fights to get a feel for how each spec performs all of the time in various . . You should always try to stand at least 10 yards away from any enemies when casting Convoke the Spirits in Moonkin Form. Best Covenant For Feral Druid In Shadowlands - Wowhead Method Feral Druid Guide - Talents - Shadowlands 9.2 Wow Druid Macros | Macros for Druid | Warcraft Macros One-shotting the whole ladder with double Convoke (FERAL/MOONKIN) - YouTube . Convoke the Spirits: Night Fae: .

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feral moonkin convoke