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editor decision started nature

About Status Nature Started Decision Editor Nature 交流中心 › 分类: 投稿 › Nature子刊editor decision started,9天了 0 赞 踩 iRobot 管理员提问于 2年 前 这是个什么征兆?nature不是有专门的编辑吗,不会因为特别忙而拖很久吧? should you challenge an editors decision to Decision 2 Usually they decide in less than a week after the initial submission. date……. editor assigned 13th november 18 manuscript submitted 9th november 18 第一次修回: manuscript under consideration 26th april 19 manuscript under consideration 18th march 19 editor assigned 18th march 19 manuscript submitted 18th march 19 . Popular Answers (1) In my experience you can challenge an editor’s decision when the review is clearly biased. 2019. Peer-Review Duration, Review Speed, Revision Note that the editor might not always wait for all reviews to be returned before making a decision. With Editor 状态表示编辑已经接受负责处理论文,这个时候,编辑已经初步看过论文,如果他认为论文适合期刊,就会送交同行评审;如果论文与期刊的范畴不相符或是没有达到期刊的标准,就有可能在外审前退回给作者,这种时候,状态就有可能变成“Decision in Process”。

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editor decision started nature