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ec2 user data script not running

User-data scripts is not running on my custom AMI, but working in ... Leave the instance as mirco to get the free tier and click next Configure instance details. As I dont want the private key on the disk I am using ssh-agent to load a key from Parameter Store. Running Docker on AWS EC2 - Medium Give required permission to the newly copied application file. If these things still ain't working, you can test it further by forcing user-data to run manually. AWS EC2 User Data to run python script is not working 3. To troubleshoot issues on your EC2 instance bootstrap without having to access the instance through SSH, you can add code to your user-data bash script that redirects all the output both to the /var/log/user-data.log and to /dev/console.When the code is run, you can see your user-data invocation logs in your console. EC2 Instance does not run user data on start : aws - reddit For more information, see Run commands on your Windows instance at launch. I'm running an ubuntu instance like so: 【问题标题】:aws ec2 - 运行用户数据时未找到 aws 命令(aws ec2 - aws command not found when running user data) 【发布时间】:2018-11-11 03:07:21 【问题描述】: 我的目标是启动一个实例,以便在启动时触发启动脚本以下载存储在 AWS S3 中的一些配置文件。 EC2Launch is the set of scripts that runs on instance first boot. Real time access to user-data script output. How to make EC2 user data script run again on startup? If you your AMI is created from AWS AMIs, Ec2-user has full permissions including sudo. Close. Install a windows feature after the restart. Troubleshoot user data scripts on EC2 Windows instances How to Execute EC2 User Data Script using CloudFormation Secret Manager -> Store a new secret Then choose type Other type of secrets and specify key/value for new secret. SSH into your instance.

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ec2 user data script not running