Black and white view of the world and others. Rapid changes in thinking someone is perfect to see them as evil. What's a "Favorite Person" in the BPD Community? - Medium And we hate it too.'. What It's Like to Love Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder 'We're scared you're going to leave, even when things are good. The term "Favorite Person" is just inaccurate on so many levels it feels like. Because we have BPD, we tend to view others as though they don't care about us or are cold because they don't display the same amount of intensity or emotional attachment as we do. Can Borderlines/BPD Fall In Love In Relationships? Although many want to classify it as a subclass of mood disorders (like Cyclothymia), it is more a dysregulation . Posted by theoriginalmuse in borderline personality disorder, depression, favorite person. What most people don't realize about people with BPD is that above all else, we just want to be loved, understood, and respected. At the end, we invite you to ask further questions. TLDR: my ex and i are both have bpd and are each others favorite person and i love them more than I could ever love my girlfriend I have 2 people in my life 1 an ex and bestie ill call "X" and another my girlfriend which will be "Y" so X and i are both very close to each other X and i both have mental health problems such as bpd and depression and anxiety. 8.) BPD individuals do not necessarily hoover, like say a histrionic or narcissist would. The media, medical community, and even the very researchers that have written about BPD have contributed to the negative stigma attached to the Borderline diagnosis.
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