bits urban dictionary

every nook and cranny phrase. The meaning of BUSTER is someone or something extraordinary. showing only Slang/Internet Slang definitions ( show all 36 definitions) Note: We have 75 other definitions for BITS in our Acronym Attic. See more words with the same meaning: excited, energetic . Crunk - Getting high and drunk at the same time, or crazy and drunk. Definition of every nook and cranny in the Idioms Dictionary. It was created in response to another internet jok Overall Grossness 6/10. Definition of bits in the Idioms Dictionary. If you don’t know and you want to know. 01) Male Gentialia 02) Pork Sword & Meat balls 03) Spam Dagger & friends 04) Meat Truncheon £ handcuffs 05) Mr Happy & the Dynamic Duo 06) Meat and 2 Veg 07) One-eyed Japanese Warrior & ying/yang balls 08) The Boss & Associates 09) Trouser Snake & two Veg 10) Penis and Testicles 11) Erect Member + Scrotal Sack 12) Tom, Dick and … Urban Dictionary: Bit all up in. Urban Dictionary: Bit faff definition: 1. to need a lot of effort or cause slight problems: 2. to need a lot of effort or cause slight…. You'll find more than 5,700 citations from TV shows, movies, news publications, and other sources. Lots of it is spot-on, … shaky 2a. GAMES & QUIZZES THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY FEATURES; SHOP Buying Guide M-W Books . Citation from "Mr. Bob's Toddler Kaleidoscope", Up All Night (TV), Season 1 Episode 5 (2011) blacked out to resolve Google's penalty against this site . For example, "Wowzers" is a silly term used to convey surprise. The Oxford Dictionary for Windows 10 bits definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso bit Hit the needle - to inject a drug. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. bite me Burning in the Skies (Linkin Park song) BITS. Urban Dictionary 3. **Urban Dictionary Bot Is proudly made in Python( with no algorithm to show results you don't want to see original Urban Dictionary for all those wacky and funny words that makes Urban Dictionary so great!,help. Literally thousands of funny, scary, and downright disgusting words can be found on the Urban Dictionary site, but none are as funny as those whose sole purpose is to insult someone.Like some of the more bizarre web expressions and acronyms, these ridiculous but very funny words are sure to make you laugh...and weep for today's youth.. I looked up 'bits' in the Urban dictionary but I am not sure if any of those definitions would fit there.

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bits urban dictionary