Individuals can either buy their own private baby monkey or they join with. Animal rights activists have slammed the social media giant for continuing to host the disturbin… Monkey being hit with a stick in UP by villagers and poured paint on. Not only is this fear misplaced, experts warn that killing monkeys . China? Monkey gets tied and beaten by park employees - NeoGAF Baby Monkey Abuse - Posts | Facebook Video: Upsetting video shows woman torturing and threatening baby monkey Baby monkeys tortured and killed in videos posted on US-based chat group Months later, her wounds still had not fully healed, and she clung to her mother in fear. Poor Baby Monkey (Disturbing videos at a zoo) | Sherdog Forums | UFC ... Leer en Español. Lab Shocks Monkey Penises Until Ejaculation | PETA 'Super Loud Cry': Baby Monkeys Beaten, Tortured in ... - Al Bawaba Once they grow up. As cute as it sounds, there is a tragic reality hidden behind this curious concept - around 3000 monkeys are removed from their home in the Indonesian forest by humans who exploit them to earn money. Baby monkeys suffering campaign of sick abuse by 'owners' sharing ... Death Beaten To Monkey Baby [5NHUFM] #17. With the . Almond had been beaten and bashed. baby monkeys are often taken away from their mothers to create a film about a cute orphan in distress. Monkey kills newborn after grabbing baby from breastfeeding mom A vicious monkey swiped a newborn baby from his breastfeeding mother's arms and bit him to death in a shocking attack that came two days before a pack of simians killed a 58-year-old woman in…