ago. Find this Pin and more on disco elysium by black heretic. În caz că n-am reușit să fac asta suficient de clar . Pete Curtis - Voces en off adicionales. 19 March 2022 reblogged from. The tasks in the game are listed in the navigation bar to the right. 1647674454. L . Moments pages are Spoilers Off. Eva-Lotta Soomer - Pequeña Lilly. Or rather, its fallen, ruined part, the West. You don't scare me. Disco Elysium Walkthrough. Disco Elysium Part #45 - 15:09-17:28: The 2mm Hole In the World 57.7k. "He wants to liquidate the ruling class which again for a police officer is a little odd.". Disco Elysium Kim's getting in touch with his Drama skill. I've completed every side quest for Egghead, Acele and the other guys and have maximized my composure level, wore clothes that give composure bonus and have used amphetamine to boost my motorics but the chance of succeeding is still %3. ACELE: "But *Disco* Elysium…" She looks unsure. Disco Elysium - Credits - Acele Berger (Disco Elysium (Video Game)) | Archive of Our Own Disco Elysium spoilery thread | Page 27 - rpg codex WoolieVS Disco Elysium is a full Let's Play in which Woolie and Reggie get political with their brain and get it big, hang out with Minh T. Kim K., ride on the cock carousel, min-max their clothing and fascist stats, learn about the Pope's huge war crimes and endorse cocaine-fueled monarchy. Disco Elysium / Heartwarming - TV Tropes ANDRE: "Yes, my man!" 'Acele Berger' Poster by Disco Elysium Disco Elysium | Displate ... Interact with the . Maybe she'll open up later—after you've helped them set up the nightclub. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Acele collects sounds with her tape recorder on the ice. Which hat would you give to Acele? : DiscoElysium - reddit Sometimes failing a check results in the possibility of exploring a thought so don't be afraid to try and fail. Wallpaper. Disco Elysium / Quotes - TV Tropes She is initially reserved and refuses to talk about herself or her friends to the RCM. 12. Disco Elysium is a story-driven isometric role playing game about being a total failure. Violence,. Acele: "Uh…" She's confused. The official Reddit community for Disco Elysium - a mind bending RPG and the best existential dread simulator ever created. I tried to talk Andre out of it, I even tried not to lie to you…" ACELE: "I know. . 863. Re: No Truce With The Furies - isometric RPG about being a total failure . *And* memorable!" Yeah! . An almost irreversible, unmitigated failure. Wiki in: Disco Elysium tasks, Infoboxes lacking images, Tasks Get Acele to talk about her associates Edit Get Acele to talk about her associates Get Acele to talk about her associates is a task in Disco Elysium . Thought Cabinet - Gamer Walkthroughs