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[lunar landscape from surveyor 1, oceanus procellarum]

Bonhams : SURVEYOR I. Unique wide-angle hand mosaic of … Oceanus Procellarum - Wikipèdia Oceanus Procellarum – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre Surveyor 1 was the first lunar soft-lander in the uncrewed Surveyor program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, United States).This lunar soft-lander gathered data about the lunar surface that would be needed for the crewed Apollo Moon landings that began in 1969. La maro de Ŝtormo estiĝis per vulkana aktivado, dum kiuj la bazalta magmo kovris la areon per dika, preskaŭ plata materialo. Aboard the Atlas-Centaur rocket that morning in 1966 was Surveyor 1, the first in a series of robotic lunar landers designed to better quantify the lunar surface. Oceanus Procellarum Surveyor 02 june: Surveyor program: Surveyor 1 lands in Oceanus … L'Oceanus Procellarum è un vasto mare lunare sul bordo occidentale del lato visibile della Luna. Fig. Take action for space and make your voice heard by telling elected officials to make space a priority. Beschrijving. Surveyor 1 was the first lunar soft-lander in the uncrewed Surveyor program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA, United States).This lunar soft-lander gathered data about the lunar surface that would be needed for the crewed Apollo Moon landings that began in 1969. Oceanus Procellarum ('Ekaitzen ozeanoa') edo Cuenca Procellarum ilargi-itsaso zabala da, Ilargiaren aurpegi ikusgaiko mendebaldean dagoena. Oceanus Procellarum - Vikipedio The landing site selected for Surveyor 1 was in the southwest part of Oceanus Procellarum. The specific objectives for this third mission were to: (1) Perform a soft landing on the Moon within the Apollo zone and east of the Surveyor 1 landing site. Apollo 12

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[lunar landscape from surveyor 1, oceanus procellarum]